Monday, February 3, 2014


This was quick and dirty, couldn't come up with a good idea.  This is a shot of a book called Star Wars Frames:  Beginning of the book, movie, and trilogy.  I originally wanted to get more of the over all book focused on one specific point and try to capture that tactile feeling that a book has in your hands but nothing worked.  This is the most interesting shot that I got during that session.

There are two books, one for episodes I - III and one for IV - VI.  As an experiment I tried taking a sheet of plexiglass between the two books and tried to capture a "ghost" image of Vader on top of young Anakin but it didn't come out as strong as I'd have liked.  It was an interesting experiment though.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing your inspirations for the pictures you wanted to take. I think the 'ghost' image sounds like a cool idea. Here's what I imagine the challenges would be: 1. you'd need to get both the surface of the book and the reflection in focus. 2. You'd need to light the book well enough to reflect strongly without hitting the other one too brightly. It sounds like an interesting idea and I might try it out. I'd like to see the ones that didn't work out.
